Amiibos - Debate!

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Amiibos - Debate!

Postby shades_smiley » Wed Jun 18, 2014 1:04 am

It's now been a week since the Nintendo E3 announcement of Amiibos. We've had a chance to absorb it. Here's my thoughts.

I think Nintendo made a HUGE misstep by making the Smash Bros Amiibos entirely computer controlled.

As I understand it, you place the figure on your WiiU controller and then you can "play alongside or against" them. Yeah, you can level them up and customize their move sets, but you will never be able to take control and fight with that souped-up character. You simply team up with them and then sit back and watch them beat up your friends.

Now you'll need to have segregated multi-player so people who prefer the game in a pure state can play without having to be matched up against level 50 Amiibos.

Now if my friend gets a Donkey Kong Amiibo, I'll need to get a Kirby Amiibo so I can simply be competitive in 2v2 matches.

I just think they tried too hard to be the same as Skylanders and DI, but different. And went so far off the path that now you have a possible black stain on an otherwise flawless franchise.

If you COULD play as your Amiibo, it would be better. Customized move sets stuff like that would be great. But you still have the concern of the in-game character being over-powered because of how they level up.

I like the figure modeling. I may still get them from a collection standpoint. But I'm not sure I see the in-game value of Amiibos. At least not the Smash Bros series of them. And that being the first series, I fear this could be another VirtualBoy for Nintendo.

What do you guys think?
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Re: Amiibos - Debate!

Postby Musicboy74 » Wed Jun 18, 2014 1:48 am

As long as they didn't make it buy "this" amiibo to play as "this" character, I would be fine. They didn't do it like that, so I'm fine.
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Re: Amiibos - Debate!

Postby SugarGuyWrecker » Wed Jun 18, 2014 3:45 am

I wonder... How will Amiibo integrate into Disney Infinity?
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Re: Amiibos - Debate!

Postby toops » Wed Jun 18, 2014 4:04 am

i'm totally cool with and excited for the fact that they're computer controlled, it's gonna be a real challenge and a lot of fun.

when you say 'souped up' i think you're taking this in the wrong context. when they level up they don't get stronger, they get smarter. the AI gets better it's not like his attack power goes up or anything. and you can customize the movesets for the character you play as well it's not a feature exclusive to the amiibo fighters so this point is moot. think of them as omnidroids :)

to my understanding i thought you couldn't use them in online battles unless it was with friends and you had the option on. so if you and your friend are doing 2v2 competitive you won't have the option on anyway. i took it as if you needed help in 'for glory' you'd call upon them for aid. or if you wanted to fight a really smart opponent you would fight them. maybe i'm wrong here? idk

again what's the point of playing AS your amiibo? the only feature it could have of use is storing your custom moveset when taking it to a friends house.
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Re: Amiibos - Debate!

Postby D-infinity13 » Wed Jun 18, 2014 4:26 am

I find Amiibo very great. Nintendo defiantly got a hit with amiibo. They do something DI and skylanders doesn't really, go to other games. Transfer powers and such from one smash to another, and even one game to a different. Of course, like you said, you should be able to play as your amiibo in smash but hey, they'll probably make it so you can soon. That's my take on amiibo's, a great idea by nintendo that just had one tiny flaw but other than that looks great.
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Re: Amiibos - Debate!

Postby shades_smiley » Wed Jun 18, 2014 6:10 am

Okay, so I could be misunderstanding what it means to level up the Amiibos, so I'll concede the point about them being over powered.

But I'm still concerned with them being CPU. Since the first Smash Bros I have always looked at CPU players as a necessary evil for when you want to brawl and don't have any friends around. I never set computer players higher than a 5 out of 9 because I want them to be competent, but not too difficult. So why would I want a computer player to be 5 times more capable of beating me up than the previous max?

I like being challenged, but I would much rather lose to a friend than a CPU character.

IDK, maybe I'm too used to DI with being able to play with the figures in game. But it just feels off to me. Incomplete.

@musicboy, I agree. If they made you buy the figures to be able use them at all it would be even worse. I guess I want a happy medium, like, use a figure in game to unlock new moves or new costumes. Or play with them and level them up to unlock a new arena or music or character sketches or something.
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Re: Amiibos - Debate!

Postby Romulus77 » Wed Jun 18, 2014 10:30 am


I don't think will do anything with DI. John V didn't have a clue what Reggie was talking about when asked in the Giant Bomb video. Having them work with DI would be a lot of extra programming work for one console. And for what benefit? Yeah, it would be beyond awesome to play as them in the game, but Disney wouldn't reap many extra sales for all that cost.

And just look at how much ire a timed exclusive on Hulk is causing. Imagine how disgruntled the PS and XB fans would be if the Wii U had 20 or so extra characters exclusively.

I'm not sold on amiibos yet. I want to see their further functionality in other games first. I may buy 1 to try on Smash, but I don't see me getting very many unless there are some big bonuses in other games.
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Re: Amiibos - Debate!

Postby Mr Penguin Knight » Wed Jun 18, 2014 11:31 am

I am waiting to find out more information before I come to any conclusion. Nintendo claim that they work in many games, and they will be recognised in all compatible games, but the functionality of a figure in a game is determined by what series the figure is from (ie a Mario Kart amiibo will not function the same as a SSB one in SSB). This point really needs clarifying as I can see the general consumer getting in a right kerfuffle.

As to amiibo in Disney Infinity, we'll have to wait a see. I would imagine that Nintendo will pick up the legwork of getting their amiibo figures working in third party games. John V may not know anything about it because Nintendo probably haven't finalised the details about it and communicated it with Avalanche yet. I don't see too many disgruntled PS and XB fans when the extra exclusive characters are of franchises that do not exist on their systems (yes they may want Ratchet or Master Chief figures, but that is up to Sony and Microsoft)

Tl;DR: We'll have to wait until September/October to be able to make a proper decision
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Re: Amiibos - Debate!

Postby Romulus77 » Wed Jun 18, 2014 4:14 pm

Nintendo wouldn't be the ones to pick up the legwork. The characters would have to be programmed by Avalanche into the game code. And considering that we are about 3 months from release, there's no time to just throw those characters in last minute.
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