Disney Infinity 2.0 event update: One Topic For Everything

Disney Infinity 2.0 event update: One Topic For Everything

Postby CueLannoo » Sat May 03, 2014 10:56 am

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Re: Disney Infinity 2.0 event update: One Topic For Everythi

Postby Gorki247 » Sat May 03, 2014 11:18 am

Interesting. I read somewhere else that it wouldn't, but cannot remember where.

Edit: Found it, it was this gameinformer article.
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Re: Disney Infinity 2.0 event update: One Topic For Everythi

Postby SalmonPink » Sat May 03, 2014 1:13 pm

Congrats, DI team, my excitement about Infinity has reached epic heights once again. So many amazing new features I don't know what to squee about first!

I absolutely love the idea of the interiors - making a 'base' that you can fill with special items and trophies you collect as you play through the game is super cute. It's a similar idea to the Hall Of Heroes, in that it marks your progress, but much more personal and customisable. I'm curious if each special door will lead to a seperate interior area, making it seem like each building has its own inner workings, or if the special doors lead to the same general interior area, no matter which one you enter. They may have made this clear at the announcement and I was so excited I just didn't register it.

Also, loving the idea of simple one-click options for creating toy boxes to play in - it creates a spontaneous feel, for when you don't want to create a new toybox and don't feel like choosing a new downloadable creation. The element of surprise is a big factor in replayability, so it's a great addition, and those adorable little builders will add to that too.

I'm loving the mash-up between comic, movie and cartoon we're seeing across the designs. It makes the game feel more accessible to a wider audience, which is obviously super important in a project like this.

Sooooo happy to see Black Widow. For some reason, her role in the movies seems to get ignored or diminished, despite her being the one to convince Bruce to meet with SHIELD and therefore become part of the team, the one to trick the Trickster God into revealing his plans, the one to take down Hawkeye and bring him back from Loki's mind control right after having faced down the terror that is the Hulk in full rampage mode, the only one who managed to get close enough to the portal to close the thing and save Manhattan. And that's just The Avengers, it's not counting her role in the other movies she's been in. She's super important, and while I'm glad to see a female character in the starter pack, I don't think her presence should be dismissed as 'only there for female representation'. She's earned her place over and over.

Deadpool would be incredible, I would be all over that. Marvel made him kid-friendly for the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon, and he had a surprisingly significant role in Lego Marvel Superheroes, when they could have easily just left him as an unlockable figure and nothing more. I mean, we've seen Rocket Raccoon in the trailer, and he'd need to be kid-ified (he can't exactly run around the toy box gleefully cackling "Blam! Murdered you!" after all) so the precedent is there. The only thing is, would Deadpool actually fit in any playsets, or would he be a toy-box-only figure? Right now, I'd be betting the latter. I know he was featured in Ultimate Spider-Man, but only as a guest star, and if any other characters are going to be playable in a Spider-Man playset, it's likely to be Power Man, White Tiger, Nova and Iron Fist, to match the cartoon. I can't think of any other playset where he'd work.

Massively excited to see Stitch, Merida and Maleficent, as much as I adore Marvel I'm relieved to see Disney is still part of Disney Infinity. My only worry at this point is there only being Marvel playsets and any Disney figures being toy-box-only. That would be disappointing. But other than that worry, this announcement has got me hyped up about the game all over again. :D
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Re: Disney Infinity 2.0 event update: One Topic For Everythi

Postby KillingRaptor » Sat May 03, 2014 1:21 pm

^ About Deadpool in playsets, I think it would be hilarious that he knows that playsets exist in the game and that he can visit all of the Marvel playsets. If there's one character that would be able to do so because he knows he's in a game, it's him!
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Re: Disney Infinity 2.0 event update: One Topic For Everythi

Postby frankiepugs » Sat May 03, 2014 1:39 pm

Gorki247, I'm in the same boat. It will be nice to have confirmation on the base. I'm on the fence about getting an xboxone. Now if they want to go ahead and make a DI 2.0 limited edition xboxone console I'm all in. :)
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Re: Disney Infinity 2.0 event update: One Topic For Everythi

Postby SalmonPink » Sat May 03, 2014 3:28 pm

@ KillingRaptor
That would be hilarious, Deadpool happily skipping through all the playsets, knowing full well it doesn't make sense for him to be there! The fourth wall-breaking possibilities for him are endless, especially if he starts referencing Disney movies too.
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Re: Disney Infinity 2.0 event update: One Topic For Everythi

Postby thedisneyfanatic22 » Sat May 03, 2014 6:45 pm

@Gorki247 I was thinking the same thing. Like, I feel that, with everything that comes in the starter pack, the base really doesn't end up costing you that much money. At least for me it won't be a huge deal if I have to buy a new base.
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Re: Disney Infinity 2.0 event update: One Topic For Everythi

Postby Stitch » Sat May 03, 2014 9:56 pm

Deadpool should be able to go in any playset even Disney ones since he knows they are playsets!
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Re: Disney Infinity 2.0 event update: One Topic For Everythi

Postby shiftyraccoon » Sat May 03, 2014 11:40 pm

It just sucks that you cant a) just buy the base and b) you cant buy starter pack figures separately. That's why I unboxed all of mine. Knowing that Sulley, Jack and Mr Inc would be forever boxless
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