Disney Infinity Online Presents: Fullmetal Alchemist X-Roads

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Re: Disney Infinity Online Presents: Fullmetal Alchemist X-R

Postby THiNCRUST OMEGA » Sat Oct 19, 2013 8:43 pm

"He's Right, Trasme." Xandre added. "How come you and Zyrca arn't fighting back?"

"Because the human races has whithered in purity, the political powers of the world are too morally decrepit, Earth has been polluted with dispair and discrimination." Trasme explained "Since children are the future, they decided to create D.i.O. for the purpose of finding a new planet to call home."
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Re: Disney Infinity Online Presents: Fullmetal Alchemist X-R

Postby altiareagle » Sat Oct 19, 2013 8:49 pm

"This is ridiculous." Anthony unholsters his revolver but is disarmed.
"As much as I know you dont like this guy, you are making a scene."
Anthony had his head cocked.
"Yes, I was."
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Re: Disney Infinity Online Presents: Fullmetal Alchemist X-R

Postby THiNCRUST OMEGA » Sat Oct 19, 2013 9:44 pm

"...Trasme, What's gotten into you?" Said Xandre. Trasme did not say a word.

"I hope you understand why we're leaving the earth behind for much greener pastures in the future. We shall conclude this presentation with a gift, Please find the welcome letter in your inbox with the attached item labeled mirror.alude and execute said item immediately. Thank you for your co-operation." With that Yoji vanished from the screen and all eyes were pointed at Simon.

"And should you choose to escape, we have various Ganmen and numerous Grapearls standing gaurd to put you back in your place." Simon stated in a rather smug manner as screens of varying mechs and their pilots surround the digger king and all who beheld him.
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Re: Disney Infinity Online Presents: Fullmetal Alchemist X-R

Postby altiareagle » Sat Oct 19, 2013 9:59 pm

"Push them and they'll cause chaos and attack Simon."
Anthony thought in his head.
Scotty could read his face.
"Don't you do it, its unethical."
Anthony still looked undecisive, he was thinking.
"They can't really do this can they?"
He wanted with all the worry and fear to start a riot.
"But that means casualties."
His anger chimed in.
"This guy is going to recieve his comeupits sooner ir later, just give him a little preview."
His heart and mind were unclear, but he stood still.
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Re: Disney Infinity Online Presents: Fullmetal Alchemist X-R

Postby THiNCRUST OMEGA » Sat Oct 19, 2013 11:04 pm

"I think that's Simon's answer to America's Secret Service" Xandre exclaimed. "wait a sec- mirror.alude... Trasme, that's Illusion Magic!"

"Brilliant deduction, buddy." Trasme remarked about his childhood friend before looking to his guests. "And I've already got a item.alude cast over me so that thing can cancel eachother out."

Thus, Trasme engaged a Vidwindow.kam and made an announcement. "Everyone, I want you to engage your new items at the same moment as I do! and once the effects take place, Don't look away from me." And he tosses aside his Jacket and T-Shirt, Raising his arm holding the mirror.alude idem in the sky like a hot blooded warrior of justice would do. A Radiant light surrounds Trasme and all the players and when the light has finished, Xandre notices something off about the people around him. "I'm sorry but who are you..."

(Everyone temporarily looks like their real world counterparts, Animals are back to being animals, COM Players have no co-responding IRL Counterpart, et cetera. And the last thing of note is that the Virtual Avatars are incased in moon beam crystals that will be scattered across the Playsets after I conclude the Sceen
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Re: Disney Infinity Online Presents: Fullmetal Alchemist X-R

Postby altiareagle » Sun Oct 20, 2013 12:23 am

"Xandre? Its me, the new guy. Come on... Anthony... Blonde kid... Hasnt gotten used to the game... Or had the chance to play around a bit."
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Re: Disney Infinity Online Presents: Fullmetal Alchemist X-R

Postby THiNCRUST OMEGA » Sun Oct 20, 2013 12:40 am

"Wait, If you're Scotty and Tony... Then Where the hell's..." Xandre was about to finish his question when it was ultimately answered for him. "TRASME!"

Trasme's mirror.aludewas ultimately canceled out by the memoir.alude that he was already keeping on his person. And It revealed something far more tragic than a disguised gender or a portly frame.

His secret was his Right Arm was replaced with a Prosthetic limb which resembles a digital polygonal shape you could get from a Nintendo 64 console, The only parts that were rendered better was the Shoulder Plate and his Hand... Needless to say, it wasn't just the players that were shocked...

"...no." uttered Jessie.

"his arm, it's...a machine!" exclaimed Nia.

"I get it..." stated Simon. "So you dived into Shivekawa and channeled pieces of your body into individual sparks of Imagination."
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Re: Disney Infinity Online Presents: Fullmetal Alchemist X-R

Postby altiareagle » Sun Oct 20, 2013 4:05 am

"Xandre? Whats going on? He's not... A cyberterrorist... Is he?
That thing on his arm? I want answers! Please, Xandre! Answer!"
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Re: Disney Infinity Online Presents: Fullmetal Alchemist X-R

Postby THiNCRUST OMEGA » Sun Oct 20, 2013 9:45 pm

"Guys, I think that stack of polygons is his arm." Xandre said as he directed their attention to a scar on Trasme’s Shoulderblade stemming from the Chronotech as it is called.

"God Damnit, Trasme…" Said Narnie, holding a golden retriever in her arms as she looks at her friend from the crowd with such contempt… "What kind of trouble did you get into this time?"

"It’s just like that Anime with that guy…" said one bystander

"all he needs is blonde hair… and a red coat…" said another.

"Whoa, What the Hell? You’re a Dude?!" said a fool.

"God damnit, You’re not Seventeen!" said a jackass.

"You are the Fullmetal…" said a certain aggravated Digger "The Fullmetal Alchemist!"


As the calamity of Avatars being scattered across the Playsets of Disney Infinity Online was ensuing, two men were watching from the safety of the Mech Hangar. one man was wearing a White Uniform while another was wearing a Dark Blue Uniform and a Military Cap. Sometimes the latter would be seen wearing a dark red cloak

"Damn, That kid’s really somethin’, ain’t he, Forehead Boy…" Remarked the Man in Blue.

"You do know that I despise being called that more than ever." replied the Man in White. "Plus you know how we’ve changed."

"How you’ve Changed, Rossiu… ” added the Man In Blue “You’ve certainly grown, but you’re still the spineless runt you were back when we were stompin’ out Beastmen. Let’s face it, you’ll never get to be as tall as me, let alone taller.”

"It’s not about the past, General." Said the Man in White, Rossiu, aggravated that his traveling buddy has been ignoring his duties to the world for the six years, going on seven, that his brother of the spirit has been the ruler of the free world…And even he’s been a bit lazy with his work! "It’s about what we need to preserve the future of our world!"

"Chill out, you buzzkill. These Bozos could be of some use to our Armies." The Man in blue leaned onto the table "We just need to round them up into guilds, supply them with the tools they need and they’ll be flying in the Ganmen in no time…"

"You do realize that it’s because of you that we have to keep on building the Ganmen alongside vehicles that people actually need," "Not to mention that you kept three of our most notorious enemies alive."

"You mean One, Rossiu, that’d be Viral…" Remarked the Man "Adaine joined our crew with a little persuasion and Cytomander joined up to shoo away the notion of us beating him."

"Still, you’ve forgotten that this is above and beyond the One Million Apes Lord Genome has mentioned upon his death." Rossiu reminded the Man In Blue "You think you can handle the consequences of this sudden boom in population?"

"I have it all figured out, Forehead Boy…" The Man in Blue took off his cap. "Just Who the Hell do you Think I am?"


And that will be it for Episode One, Now it's time for a recruitment Drive, Gather new people to join the Crew and I can even introduce new Playsets for RP'ers to adopt into their crew. Episode 2 Drops on Thursday and If you're wondering about Narnie? Don't Fret, I've got her covered in an extra scene on my Tumblr Account.

--CPUs Now Available in the Toy Box--

Here, you can buy a Playset to portray a CPU Character that's required for the story to ensue.

Playset: EPCOT

Player One: Sgt. Major Lana D. Celestia

Gender: Female

Body: Graceful Maiden

Form: Cyan hair with streaks of Pink and teal, Violet Eyes, either a Blue Military Outfit or a yellow suit and purple pants, gold shoes.

Persona: Calm, Collected, Sometimes Snarky, Often Understanding and Compassionate, Would be willing to protect her students to the bitter end, Basically a Genderflipped Roy Mustang with the soul of Negi Springfeild (Negima!)

Occupation: Principal of Caudellotte High

Pack: Solaris Blade

Tool: Starbeam

Player Two: Diana L. Celestia

Plus One: Family Member (Sister)

Gender: Female

Body: Graceful Maiden

Form: Basically Vice Principal Luna

Persona: Cold, Strict, Unforgiving, Basically Princess Luna and Rue (Princess Tutu)

Pack: Lunar Sythe

Tool: Spells
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