Superpowered Beatdowns

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Re: Superpowered Beatdowns

Postby altiareagle » Fri Sep 20, 2013 12:30 pm

:lol: I guess its because Mjolnir is a huge factor. Thor is still strong so its still him Vs. Supes.
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Re: Superpowered Beatdowns

Postby buckmana » Sat Sep 21, 2013 6:25 am

Well, it's a bit tough to seperate Mjolnir from Thor, so they're part of the same package.
If he drops Mjolnir, it just flies back to him, sometimes smashing his opponent in the back on the way (sneaky hammer! :lol: )

I did try to work out how Thor would fare without Mjolnir, here's an idea:

He has extreme strength and resistance to damage.
His strength level can increase when he's enraged.

Thor wears armor made of Asgardian steel and a belt that augments his natural strength.

He can also fire an extremely powerful energy blast from his hands that has slain enemies who were otherwise unkillable, although this leaves him in a weakened state.
Likewise, he can fire lightning bolts from his hands.
He may also be able to control the weather to some degree.
It's important to note that although he uses Mjolnir to focus his powers, he doesn't actually need to use the hammer to do so.

Those last ones may be problematic for Superman to deal with, especially the energy blast one.
And since they're magical powers, he'd be vulnerable to them.

It's hard to come up with a proper baseline, since it seems in most cases, Superman's powers are exaggerated for dramatic effect.

But if we look past all the hyperbole, it seems even without Mjolnir, Thor is an even match for Superman.
So, if we factor in his magic powers, I'd still say Thor comes out on top.

As for Kajiu, unfortunately, that would be a fairly short battle for pretty much any superhuman to win.
They're strong, but not well armored.
The strongest heroes would end up gutting them like a fish.
I've now got a mental image of Colossus standing on a chest of a kaiju, opening up it's ribcage like peeling an fruit and pulling the heart out to hold over his head.
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Re: Superpowered Beatdowns

Postby Omnidroid 535 » Sat Sep 21, 2013 6:46 pm

There was a kaiju who took a nuke to the face. Colossi can't beat anything that can take a nuke to the face like that.

Plus in Marvel comics, Gojira's strength was head to head with Thor and might have been overpowering him. He was also compared to the serpent that eats planets. He was also taking on Iron Man and the Fantastic Four too and tanking their weapons. It was also shown in the Japanese movies that Godzilla has regeneration that puts Wolverine to shame, durability that can hold up his weight of 60,000 tons and also being able to lift a 120,000 ton diamond coated robot by the forearm and throw him into the air. In Marvel Comics again, he was almost too heavy for Hercules to lift


Considering another Kaiju took Gojira's most powerful beam to the face. He also has multiple forms and can split into multiple aggregates and swarm an enemy monster. And whenver he reforms, he is fully healed. If you're wondering, his name is Destoroyah.

And we're not talking about short 50 meter kaiju. I'm talking about heisei powerhouses with a minimum height of 100 meters.

And in one movie, Gojira who now stands at 60 meters for some reason, with a well charged atomic ray can cause mushroom clouds and shockwaves from his explosions.

Some people can take down kaiju easy but most would have a hard time with some.

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Re: Superpowered Beatdowns

Postby buckmana » Sat Sep 21, 2013 9:47 pm

How did Gojira enter into this?
Regardless, I'd leave him out of this, since (like Superman), they tend to overexaggerate abilities for dramatic effect or strong action visuals.

Granted, my only exposure to Kaiju has been from the movie Pacific Rim, but from what I saw, I was not impressed.

The strongest Kaiju is killed when it bodyhugs Gypsy Tango and gets a flamejet rocket right though the chest, then followed up with a vigorous sword stabbing.
And this is with one arm and leg missing, none the less.
So, naturally, I don't believe they're that well armored, if they couldn't even take that beating.

Also, while Kaiju are good at fighting larger targets, a smaller, fast moving target is harder to fight.
Especially if said target is leaping right for your chest and about to punch through it.

Given that they're using industrial cutters to dissect the Kaiju within hours of it's defeat, I don't believe their skin is strong enough to resist what a superstrong person would do to it.

By the way, if Thor focusses enough of his energy, it has been stated he's fully capable of obliterating a planet all by himself.
Pretty hard to top that power, even if he doesn't use it at full strength, it's still enough to do some serious damage.
Remember me saying he's used it to kill things which are unkillable?
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Re: Superpowered Beatdowns

Postby Omnidroid 535 » Sun Sep 22, 2013 3:00 am

I definetley agree with you in PR Kaiju. They're not all that well armored and tend to be weak.

Well, what battle should we do next?

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Re: Superpowered Beatdowns

Postby killa-bunnah » Mon Sep 23, 2013 3:33 pm

You guys...thank you so much for continuing my thread! :mrgreen:
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Re: Superpowered Beatdowns

Postby altiareagle » Mon Sep 23, 2013 3:35 pm

No problem! Its fun to converse this stuff! :D
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Re: Superpowered Beatdowns

Postby killa-bunnah » Mon Sep 23, 2013 3:36 pm

Indeed it is! Right, so next battle, guys?
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Re: Superpowered Beatdowns

Postby Daan » Mon Sep 23, 2013 3:37 pm

Hit-Girl vs. Black Widow?
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