Things that annoy you

Things that annoy you

Postby Omnidroid 535 » Mon Sep 09, 2013 7:28 pm

Have you had any things that annoy you and wish you could banish from the world? We all do. Here's some of mine

1. People who say you're in denial and say that you're wrong when they're clearly wrong and in denial themselves.

2. Snoring

3. Saying you're going to do something that'll change the world and you end up doing nothing but playing video games

4. People taking you as rude when you're clearly trying to be nice

5. Armond White :roll:

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Re: Things that annoy you

Postby FROZOFAN » Mon Sep 09, 2013 7:36 pm

Complaints about this game...I've been seeing post after post about issues and complaints, and while many of them are valid, we have numerous threads already detailing them. I don't think there was any false advertising, Disney did a good job showing off the game before launch and there were numerous sources to check out if you had any questions about the game, even more now that it has launched. It's like people bought this game and now feel like Disney owes them something because a specific feature doesn't work the way they had hoped. I used to love checking out this forum, everyone was friendly and shared amazing ideas, now it just looks like everyone uses this format to express their distain.
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Re: Things that annoy you

Postby Turbo-tastic » Mon Sep 09, 2013 7:54 pm

^Hmmm... I have been complaining a lot... (I honestly like the game though!) What annoys me? Err... okay I won't mention the race track issues in Infinity as its not a welcome subject, hehe. Lets think of something not Disney Infinity related...

Well I'm a Disney Pin Trader; I find it highly annoying how many Princess pins are released all the time, and many other awesome Disney characters hardly get a look in. I don't have anything against the Princesses as characters; I just am a bit resentful that they get so much attention. Like; "Oh cool! A Disney pin release! Oh wait... just another Princess pin that looks the same..."
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Re: Things that annoy you

Postby Nibelilt » Mon Sep 09, 2013 8:37 pm

@Turbo-tastic This is off-topic, but the way Turbo looks in your avatar screencap makes it look like he's been dressed up in a pretty bowtie and outfit and he's annoyed at it. :lol:

It really annoys me when people say "[thing] is only good because of [feature]!". Granted, I'm guilty of this myself, but I've been getting out of this habit. I have a couple of specific arguments in my head that are guaranteed to grind my gears, but I won't bring them up because they'd just sound protective and potentially start arguments.
I mean, seriously, that is true in some cases, but if something has a feature that just makes it, it just makes it. Like- and I'm not trying to bash it or start comparisons in any way- Skylanders, which is an okay dungeon crawler on its own, but with the toys, you got a fresh new concept with a "collect-a-thon" nature. Seeing not only a complete collection but having all of them with all upgrades, heroics, levelling, and quests done is immensely rewarding. You wouldn't get that feel without the toys.

Also, OP, I agree with number 1. I've met someone who seemed to be like that who claimed to be "unbiased" and would pride themselves on it- I don't know if they still do that any more, but that's actually a really unhealthy attitude to have, too.
Wish the word "bias" didn't exist... Bias is just saying "preference" in a really mean way. :)

And I agree with everyone complaining about the stupid console wars-like stuff in gaming. In fact, I have many gripes with the gaming community as a whole now. Most of all, I really, really despise people talking about games like they're market analysts everywhere, and spoiling the game for themselves and everything- not that I have anything against it, because it's actually quite fun to do, but I can't remember the last time that I joined a games community that didn't concern themselves with how the game was selling or doing critically, or were speculating abound, and just played and discussed it instead. :|

just letting off steam
Also, from personal experience(I'm not going into detail...), I wish that psychology were treated as a "study" less by professionals of it. Every therapist I've ever been to has treated it that way, and it's frustrating as someone who thinks differently. I don't feel like they treat me like a normal person in a normal conversation in it, when that's what they're apparently trying to help me with... Mumble...
I wish we could just help each other by sharing what we learn from personal experiences instead, but that's for the ideal world that will never be around in our lifetimes. Of course, don't get me wrong, I can appreciate the work put into this, even if I have no idea about the profession. This is useful in cases since we can't possibly experience everything to learn that way, but there's just something touchy about this type of thing that makes me wanna have nothing to do with it. I think this is a very personal hate more than anything. Raaaeeeeergh.

And that brings me to another thing, morals which we're tought in schools that nobody ever demonstrates :| I could rant about that all day if I wanted to...

I ranted about things I don't understand because I'm tired and upset and it was Monday yesterday, so here, have a cookie. ^_^-O

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Re: Things that annoy you

Postby Hey37Bulldog » Mon Sep 09, 2013 8:50 pm

^ there is no such thing as absolute morality. what is considered evil in one place is heroic in another. heck, smoking was considered an exercise for your lungs not too long ago!
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Re: Things that annoy you

Postby Nibelilt » Mon Sep 09, 2013 8:54 pm

^ I know. My gripe is with the lessons EVERYONE gets told, and many people don't follow. >.> (And I forgot, by extension, "stock morals" used in movies, TV shows etc., in movies that just shove them down your throat and aren't even entertaining...)
It's just annoying being instructed about them and then seeing others ignore them. It's not really a real-world issue or anything, just pure frustration. :P

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Re: Things that annoy you

Postby Hey37Bulldog » Mon Sep 09, 2013 8:57 pm

in all honesty we're just billions of hypocrites!
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Re: Things that annoy you

Postby altiareagle » Mon Sep 09, 2013 8:59 pm

Agreed, we all do something once in a while that we would ordinarily disagree about. :D
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Re: Things that annoy you

Postby Turbo-tastic » Mon Sep 09, 2013 9:27 pm

@Nibelilt: Hehe. Its my favourite expression from Turbo. :D

Another thing that annoys me... along the same lines as my other complaint... the Disney Princesses franchise is used TOO MUCH. Can we have the Disney Villains franchise more please? And not just the same villains over and over... and now I'm just ranting aren't I?
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