PlayStation Network friend requests go in this topic

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Re: PlayStation Network friend requests go in this topic

Postby sooner90 » Wed Sep 04, 2013 4:57 pm

My ID Is Tklol777 add me i have a headset and disney infinity :lol: :D :) ;)
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Re: PlayStation Network friend requests go in this topic

Postby Soubi » Wed Sep 04, 2013 5:04 pm

Hey ^.^ Wanted to offer my friendship to anyone who's looking for friends
(Be warned, my hours on the system vary between all hours of day and night, my work schedule isn't consistent and I have a wee one, so its always just when I get the time to relax - but i'd still love to make some friends to play with!)

ID: WolvenButterfly

Edit: If you try to add me, and I do a quick forum search and do not come across your ID, I will delete your request. As of this edit, I have had 2 people request friendship who so far as I can tell do not exist in these forums.
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Re: PlayStation Network friend requests go in this topic

Postby Crazyyetii » Thu Sep 05, 2013 4:22 pm

Add me to your infinity friends. I am 37 yr old father of 1 daughter (who is still a tad to young to play). I work my play time is all over the place. I have the starter pack and have a few if the extra characters. Plain on adding on as I complete everything.

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Re: PlayStation Network friend requests go in this topic

Postby JerrodDRagon » Fri Sep 06, 2013 4:47 am

Hey guys looking for someone to do some Challenges in the Lone Ranger, or incredibles Playset

I'll be on tonight and tomorrow morning/afternoon (USA Pacific time)

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Re: PlayStation Network friend requests go in this topic

Postby toops » Fri Sep 06, 2013 5:09 am

myself and others have been receiving friend requests over the PSN that are not from the forums, and for me personally i'd like to keep my friends list somewhat constrained so when you add people on here please say you're from here and if possible your username so that we don't have to come refer to this thread to make sure you are. thanks!
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Re: PlayStation Network friend requests go in this topic

Postby altiareagle » Fri Sep 06, 2013 8:37 am

I add my username in the message mario style (you know, like this. "Itsa Me! altiareagle!"). :D I'm sure killah-bunnah, MTM, and thedisneyfanatic can provide proof. I've gotten a few of these messages that've left me scratching my head awkwardly. :?
Sorry for going off topic.
I'm going to start adding a few of you guys and you can add me as well if you'd like. :D
Kinda tired.
Chat with me If you're tired too.
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Re: PlayStation Network friend requests go in this topic

Postby Froboz » Fri Sep 06, 2013 12:41 pm

My psn and forum name are the same.

I usually send disney infinity in my request. I will add fan after.

I like the idea myself of just forum friends so my list doesn't go crazy
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Re: PlayStation Network friend requests go in this topic

Postby sooner90 » Fri Sep 06, 2013 2:52 pm

Mine Is Tklol777 Add Me If You Want To Play Disney Infinity With Me I Have A Headset Too ;) :D :) :lol: :cry: :P
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Re: PlayStation Network friend requests go in this topic

Postby mattskye21 » Sat Sep 07, 2013 3:09 am

Add Me Mattskye21 if you want to play on my cool maps!
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