Glasgow Disc Swap Meet

any forum member can use this forum to start their own topic to arrange times, dates and places to meet up face to face with other Disney Infinity fans to swap power discs

Glasgow Disc Swap Meet

Postby walt_disnae » Thu Aug 29, 2013 11:51 am

Is anyone interested in doing a disc swap meet in Glasgow area? Possibly at the Govan Toys R Us on September 7th?

Trading by post using tracked mail just doesn't seem like a financially viable option given Royal Mail prices these days. At £2 cost to trade for one disc it's cheaper to buy them. So a meet would be a great idea.

They do have a Disney Infinity event at the store that day, so if people are planning to go along we could organise a few swaps.


Currently I have doubles of Dumbo (Rare), Buzz's Ranger (Rare), Carl's Cane. A friend has several doubles that he's looking to swap also. Including 4 tangled textures haha, Alice in wonderland texture, Stitch's gun, Mickey's car, among others. Hopefully there's people in the Glasgow area looking to do a swap meet.
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Joined: Mon Aug 26, 2013 12:00 pm
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