PC Support Dropped

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Re: PC Support Dropped

Postby OpossumGuy » Sat Mar 19, 2016 3:39 am

Honestly my prediction is that they'll drop Wii U/PS3/X-Box 360 once the NX finally launches, as it's thought that it'll be released by the time 4.0 rolls around anyway. That way it'd stay, at the very least, on all three major console companies' systems.
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Re: PC Support Dropped

Postby megadrive2 » Sat Mar 19, 2016 9:11 am

I could see it going either way to be honest, only because the older systems account for more than half of Disney infinity sales. Most family's take quite a while to upgrade so dropping all those systems together might not be the best idea for their bottom line. The main reason other versions are suffering is because Avalanche is starting to stretch themselves a bit thin trying to deal with all the different ports of the game. While they do get other studios in to work on elements, none of them are exclusively working on infinity like Avalanche are. With Activision owning several large studios they can switch dedicated dev teams for alternate games allowing for 2 year cycles for each team. As well as other studios, like beenox, handling all aspects of the ports to older systems & mobile/handhelds.
I think it's about time Disney bought out a few more studios to work 100% on infinity. Adopt a 2 or 3 year cycle with each team to keep the quality of each iteration high. No doubt they have the funds to pull this off.
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Re: PC Support Dropped

Postby Supreme Leader Snoke » Sun Mar 20, 2016 3:02 pm

I am deeply hurt by the following news. The Apple TV was my first window into Disney Infinity, and it's currently my only window as I don't own any other compatible console. Waiting until March 15th to say anything, and only saying it after people get angry and asked them about it, is not how you should conduct business. Hundreds (if not thousands) of people bought the new figures and playset without any idea that they couldn't use it. And not only did we buy stuff we can't use, but it also means no Keyblade ultimate unlock. The Keyblade requires registering 39 of the current 3.0 figures, and eventhough I have all the required figures, the new ones can't be registered without an update to the Apple TV, which means I'm SOL as far as the keyblade goes.

I think this is very wrong of Disney to do, and I hope they reverse their decision on this matter. I also noticed it has received some attention on YouTube, so hopefully that will get more people talking, and hopefully Disney listens. The two videos I found so far on YouTube are:


I am very disgusted with Disney right now. They had some nerve to pull this off. They should have warned people in advance so they wouldn't waste money on product they couldn't use.

What's even worse is Amazon is now getting ready to sell the Apple TV starter pack in April, and there's no way to warn them with a review. The product page says "This item has not been released yet and is not eligible to be reviewed." despite the fact it actually came out in November on the Apple Store. People new to this, and don't know that support was pulled, might buy this along with Marvel Battlegrounds and the new figures, get it home and not realize they can't use it. I feel bad for anyone that buys this in April without realizing that fact.
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Re: PC Support Dropped

Postby Infinite Mickey » Sun Mar 20, 2016 3:39 pm

Murf, who needs positive business practices when you can do whatever you want, and people will still buy it! Evil geniuses they are.

On less silly terms, it doesn't affect me, but it's not a good thing to do. Remember Disney (They aren't reading this but either way), you are holding on a thread for many of your faithful customers. People will stop buying in to your schemes. I myself expected this from a mile away. I didn't even think that PC would get any support at all, let alone mobile and Apple TV!
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PC Support Dropped

Postby Infinirama » Sun Mar 20, 2016 5:16 pm

This has all been very frustrating. As was said earlier, I bought Disney Infinity 3.0 on Apple TV knowing that I couldn't play on it forever... But I didn't think it would only be 2 months.

We have loved playing 3.0 on the Apple TV. There have definitely been some issues but we worked around them. I thought DI wanted to make this new platform work and that we would surely see some patches to fix the bugs. I don't know that we would have played DI over the last few (very few) months had it not been for the Apple TV release.

My only complaint here is that they must have known 3.0 was going to be extended through 2016, they knew they were promising Apple TV players things they couldn't keep, but they never said a word. In fact, I saw trouble when Battlegrounds was first pushing 4 player gameplay, but JV publicly assured me Battlegrounds was coming to Apple TV.

So I never hesitated to hype Baloo to my little girl who loves the character from both the Jungle Book and Tailspin. Had I not been told it was coming I wouldn't have made a big deal about being able to play with Baloo on the 15th. I did not like DI making me one of them.

So here we are a week later, and still no official announcement or press release on the Apple TV. Honestly, I'm hoping the Apple TV's new upgrade is the culprit... But the way this has been handled hasn't sat well with me. And if we didn't truly love playing this game together (and the wonderful community) I would have already sent my preorders back.
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Re: PC Support Dropped

Postby rogpalmeruk » Sun Mar 20, 2016 7:18 pm

@megadrive I agree that they've probably spread themselves too thin with too many platforms , Apple TV & PC might be the "poorest selling" versions or taking more development time so aren't worth investing in.. However I do think dropping them mid cycle without warning isn't right... It should have been done months ago, or they should suck it up for 3.0 and when they do 4.0, drop the older devices.... Alternatively put the iOS version on PC/Apple TV as the "light" version ..

I'm not sure if the last gen will be dropped for the next game... Maybe we need two versions - Light (everything else) & Full (ps4/X bone/nx)
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Re: PC Support Dropped

Postby Supreme Leader Snoke » Sun Mar 20, 2016 8:14 pm

"...or they should suck it up for 3.0 and when they do 4.0, drop the older devices"

But that right there is the problem, the Apple TV is the newest device; being released in October 2015, and Disney Infinity Starter Pack coming out a month later in November. It's treated like old hardware, but it's the newest device to play DI. And yet Disney treats us as if we are second-class citizens. While other devices have received updates to get more than 3 bosses in the Boss Generator, Apple TV users only get the 3. There hasn't been an update for us since December 17th. And no word that the software was being forked like this, the first time I found out other consoles (btw, Disney was originally calling the Apple TV a "console" and now Disney says it isn't) were able to pick from more than 3 bosses, I was shocked.

Wii U came out in 2012, a good three years earlier than the Apple TV, and it has the update. It's not fair.
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Re: PC Support Dropped

Postby Infinite Mickey » Mon Mar 21, 2016 1:01 am

You know, the reasons for the drops are quite obvious. Apple TV because it's so non-mainstream (and Apple pry isn't renewing any contracts with gaming companies seeing how poorly the whole function performed), and the PC because it never worked! Why should there be development time put into a port that doesn't work (same could be said for Apple TV too)? Although these are questionable ethics, Disney will still get away with it! They can get away with anything nowadays! People just don't care anymore! Disney can get away with letting the American Disney Parks be put in a terrible condition (I mean, seriously, record attendance and still budget cuts. If Shanghai dies, I don't know what will happen to the parks), putting Pixar into sequelitis, making Star Wars yearly, over-doing the MCU brand to the point where I can't wait to see how many more people go to BVS over Civil War. These are all things Disney can get away with and STILL have record profits! No one is gonna do anything about it! I don't expect ANY change from these business practices at all! I expect more sudden cuts, more exclusive things, more price raising! Why? Because there wasn't any profit loss! And when DI starts losing money instead of making it, the series is dead in the water.

(Man, I'm so cynical when it comes to big corporations. Maybe it's because I have a moderately high understanding of what actually goes on behind those doors [for any company, not just Disney])
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Re: PC Support Dropped

Postby rogpalmeruk » Mon Mar 21, 2016 3:05 pm

@infinite Mickey - I do think Disney Infinity's budgets have been cut, hence the dropping of support for the weaker systems, dropping major events, less content ie twitch.youtube.... It could be without a "starter pack" this year, the budget isn't as high... but apple tv/PC cuts have to be budget cuts.... Disney is all about making money, but also each division has to be profitable, disney parks is "a different" company to "disney Interactive", walt disney studios is different etc... so they have to stand on their own, force awakens does massive money, doesn't mean disney interactive losing products will keep going... i do think focusing on stronger devices is better, i think they spread themselves too thin.... however dropping mid cycle and not advising correctly is a major problem for those who use it......

the Apple TV never got going, people don't know what it is, its not promoted properly.. just popping an apple logo on things doesn't mean its an instant must have... they should have just gone with the IOS toy box app instead with controller support,
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