Mysterious character revealed in Hall of Heroes glitch

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Re: Mysterious character revealed in Hall of Heroes glitch

Postby Gillbob316 » Mon Mar 14, 2016 3:29 pm

I think most people feel that way about live action... heck, it wouldn't even surprise me if people inside Disney and the Infinity Team feel that way, but they're looking at it as a business, not as fans, and as a business, it makes more sense for them to put the current product front and center than to use characters/imagery from a movie that stopped making them substantial money a few decades ago. Be it this or any other franchise.

That said, the whole thing would be easier to swallow if they at least released the Animated versions side by side w/ the movie ones. I wouldn't even need them to play different personally, I'd be happy with something like Spider-Man/Black Spider-Man, where they were more or less variants of the same game character w/ a built-in costume change.

More figures for those of us who want them all, and those who only want one version or the other can then buy one or the other. That way people could vote with their dollars. I could easily see Johnny Depp Mad Hatter outselling Animated Mad Hatter, but I could easily see Animated Alice outselling Live Action Alice. Frankly I don't think anyone needed a Time figure. Maybe my opinion will change once I've seen the actual movie (it's happened before), and Time will be an amazing character, but right now Time is really striking me as the Yondu of 3.0... released to push a new movie, but totally not essential, beloved, or necessarily popular, and could have easily been skipped. The Queen of Hearts/Red Queen (whatever) would have been a far better choice imo (in either Animated OR Live Action form, still a better choice).
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Re: Mysterious character revealed in Hall of Heroes glitch

Postby megadrive2 » Mon Mar 14, 2016 3:53 pm

^100% agree. Ive been wishing they would release classic/modern versions of characters since the Jolificent figure. I think this type of variant is one most fans would definitely get behind.
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Re: Mysterious character revealed in Hall of Heroes glitch

Postby pjhaan » Mon Mar 14, 2016 5:52 pm

I love collecting the figures but I will respectfully disagree. I don't have them all yet but I have close to ninety. I do not like the variants in general. It is just one more figure to spend money on and my gaming budget is already pretty much non-existent.

I never bought the crystal figures for 1.0 and I don't have plans to buy black suit spider. I can get behind variants with completely different move sets or skills though. Other than the design, I am not sure what the difference between the two versions of Alice and the Mad Hatter would be.

Honestly, I am still on the fence about the new Captain America figure. Yes, it looks amazing but how did his move set change in the last 18 months since he was released with 2.0? He didn't get new super powers! I really consider this a variant since cap is cap is cap! His "powers" have always been the same.

I understand it is a business and they have to make decisions for their bottom line. I just exercise my right to not buy all the variants they release.

My only hope is that the variants don't count towards unlocks in the future.

I know my view isn't shared by all but thought I would debate the issue from my pov.
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Re: Mysterious character revealed in Hall of Heroes glitch

Postby vynsane » Mon Mar 14, 2016 6:29 pm

See, I don't view the new Cap as a variant, but a new edition of a previously-released character, same as Hulkbuster is to 2.0 Iron Man. The two Spideys are a different story - it's the same figure, same pose, same base, with minor retooling in the mold and a different paint job. That's a true variant, same as the crystal editions, which were just made of a different base material, but used the same exact mold and paint details. The LightFX figures are also variants, though a good deal more involved than a simple redeco/retooling.

Therefore, having live-action and animated versions of each character, requiring different sculpts, would be separate editions, not variants. This would incur increased cost of production (particularly if you expect them to be released side-by-side) for not enough ROI. The only way you're going to get 'classic' versions of previously-released live-action characters is as a new edition in a future wave, a la Cap and Hulkbuster.
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Re: Mysterious character revealed in Hall of Heroes glitch

Postby megadrive2 » Mon Mar 14, 2016 7:18 pm

@pjhaan That's why having both versions is good, fans like yourself that don't like re-skinned variants would be able to pick from whichever of the 2 you would prefer. Fans like myself that want a 100% complete collection but prefer the classic designs would buy both and everyone is happy. Also variants have never counted towards unlocks in Infinity.

@vynsane If not a variant then the idea to release both Classic & modern at the same time would be comparable to Skylanders re-poses, a variant with a new sculpt but essentially the same skill tree, therefore saving valuable dev time & costs.
Regarding the matter of creating an additional run of physicals IGP's: Without knowing the exact costs of manufacturing a new figure vs the overall profits for each individual release, I think it's a little presumptuous to jump to the conclusions that it's a cost-prohibitive operation. Besides releasing a classic & modern figure for retail together, (at least once) is the only true test for Disney to discover which is the most popular with consumers. Perhaps the results of this sort of release would go some way to sway their future decisions on the issue.

One things for sure, with the rate at which Disney seem to be churning out live action reboots of their properties, this kind of discussion is not going to go away any time soon.
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Re: Mysterious character revealed in Hall of Heroes glitch

Postby vynsane » Mon Mar 14, 2016 7:54 pm

One does not need to know the exact costs of manufacture to know that 100,000 units on one mold costs less than 50,00 units of one + 50,000 units of another. This is why the crystal editions are the same pose as the 'standard' editions - it costs far less to pour a different material into the same mold than it does to develop a completely new mold/pose. This is also why we were all pleasantly surprised that the LightFX figures were each only $1 more than the 'standard' versions - the amount of retooling necessary to allow for the electrics was not insignificant, but there was surely a good deal of reuse involved.

I honestly don't know much about Skylanders, but do those reposes appear in the same "wave", or are they more like the Captain America and Iron Man examples, taking place over multiple iterations of the game? I would be surprised if the former were the case.

However, the perceived ROI is not just based on the prohibitive nature of two separate production runs in the same wave, but the possibility that one version will prove more popular while the other will languish on the pegs, resulting in net reduced sales figures over-all.
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Re: Mysterious character revealed in Hall of Heroes glitch

Postby JustNCredible » Mon Mar 14, 2016 8:34 pm

I don't really care how long it takes to get our favorite classic characters; the further out their production the better the character and its abilities are gonna be, seeing as how every year the mechanics are improved. I would rather not get all my favorite classics now then next year a big improvement is made, and all my favorites are lacking.

So Far Disney is spacing out the classics just fine in my opinion; it's unrealistic to want them all now, and once they're gone they're gone.
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Re: Mysterious character revealed in Hall of Heroes glitch

Postby megadrive2 » Mon Mar 14, 2016 11:08 pm

The biggest benefit to releasing the classic and modern versions of characters side by side is cross promotion. Sales for the classic version would no doubt be higher when released alongside the new live action movies than if they were bought out in a few years time. I really don't buy the argument that this idea is cost prohibitive. If overall sales continue to climb & Disney infinity remains the most popular within the genre, then can afford to experiment & try something like this. Even more so if
a playset is released for one of the future reboots.

The cool thing about these Alice in wonderland figures for me though is that because of infinity's art style they have a great cartoon look and work as a good compromise between the animated & live action movies. I'm certainly looking forward to getting some decent images of the actual figures, which at this rate will be sometime next week :lol:
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Re: Mysterious character revealed in Hall of Heroes glitch

Postby Vidia » Tue Mar 15, 2016 12:06 am

I think to some extent Alice is a different animal to Baloo. No pun intended.

Obviously I haven't seen the movie yet, so I may be completely wrong about this, but the live action Jungle Book looks to be fairly straight up remake of the animated version. The trailer doesn't suggest that they've made any significant changes to it. Because of this, it's fairly safe to assume that the live action Baloo will be fairly similar to the animated one in terms of character.

With Alice however you can make the argument that the live action one and the animated one are basically two completely different characters. I do think it's a good sign for potentially one day getting the animated one as well that the Disney Infinity Players Pick poll specifically referred to the Burton one as "Alice Kingsleigh" rather than just "Alice". By comparison, Mabel was just listed as that, "Mabel", not "Mabel Pines", so it's not like they were just including everyone's surnames as standard. I think that was a deliberate attempt to distinguish the two versions.
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