Skylanders Superchargers

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Re: Skylanders Superchargers

Postby Stitch » Wed Jun 03, 2015 8:32 pm

Another gimmick that will likely result in 20 extra variants still priced like regular figures/vehicles.
I have never bought Skylanders or even a figure. Didn't have interest before Disney Infinity, especially don't have interest now lol.
The game is far too linear for how expensive the characters are. You don't get nearly as much play time out of them as you do Infinity with the toybox...
It also has the gimmick "Buy this character to unlock this area!", which I cannot stand when games do stuff like that. Disney sort of does it with toys, but I mean, they are little toys and not entire levels. Granted, playsets are similar, but they are far longer and very different from each other... Most of the time (Glares at 2.0) :lol:

Lego Dimensions is beginning to look a lot less appealing too. According to people who have played and reviewed their demo, it is just another run-of-the-mill LEGO game with no real incentive to go out and spend hundreds, if not, thousands of dollars on a lot less detailed little figures. The level packs are far overpriced for what they offer. One level (Levels are roughly 30 minutes most) and two characters. Meanwhile, I am getting LEGO Jurassic Park for Sixty Dollars, which offers twenty levels (Not including bonus), hundreds of characters, a ton of replay-ability, free roaming hub, and a whole lot more hours of fun. Does anyone see what I am getting at? Why the heck are these packs half the price of a regular LEGO game and yet offer about a hundredth of the content (I am including 100% completion, which usually on recent LEGO games, can take up to thirty six hours depending how you play). I mean, I have put twenty two hours into Beyond Gotham!

Anyways, sorry for this ranting post, just wish there was a little more innovation here and less gimmicks.
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Skylanders Superchargers

Postby wherestron » Wed Jun 03, 2015 10:47 pm

Yeah. I've got most of the Skylanders from all the previous games, and I promised myself I wouldn't buy the new series unless they seriously upped their game. Infinity has raised my expectations of what a game on this category should be - even with the 2.0 niggles.

I was expecting Activision to introduce a build your own level mechanic this time around given LEGO and Disney's offerings this year.

Unfortunately for Activision I think they are going to get their backsides handed to them this year. Very hard to compete with Star Wars, and they don't seem to have truly innovated this year beyond more "buy this to unlock that".

It's especially unfortunate given Disney will be introducing Toybox Speedway, which pretty much neutralises any appeal Superchargers may have held.

Good news for me is I can now confidently sell all my Skylanders kit and use the money to fund my Disney Infinity addiction. :)
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Re: Skylanders Superchargers

Postby Undies » Thu Jun 04, 2015 3:26 am

I've never played Skylanders it looks fun, but the figures seem so cheap and plastic looking. Plus the variant figures annoy me haha!.
Do we really need another Stealth Elf figure (and in the starter pack)???

Also is it just me or do they seem to be running out of ideas??
Maybe it shouldn't be a yearly franchise. Instead every second year they could release a proper Legend of Spyro PS1 style game XD.
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Re: Skylanders Superchargers

Postby PerryTheMonkey » Thu Jun 04, 2015 3:59 am

At least it is something different from what they had in the past. I liked the swap gimmick but the trap gimmick was just too much.
One thing I find really interesting is that they will still be making this game for Wii. That will probably be where this game will flourish. The hardcore fans will get this game for the newest system out that they got just to see great graphics on their new Skylanders game, but for those families that only own a Wii, this would be a great toys to life game to get as most games are no longer being made for the Wii.
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Re: Skylanders Superchargers

Postby wherestron » Thu Jun 04, 2015 5:49 am

If that is true, @PerryTheMonkey, they have already conceded defeat.
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Re: Skylanders Superchargers

Postby Infinityfan » Thu Jun 04, 2015 6:49 am

This is probably the least inventive idea yet. The only Skylanders game I was tempted to buy was Swap Force because it was quite a cool gimmick but now I think they're running out of ideas. I think this could be their last game especially because Infinity 3.0 and Dimensions. I think 3.0 is definitely the one to beat this year. It is definitely the best all round. The team listens to the community, the figures are the best quality, the gameplay is the longest and best, there are characters that people already know and love instead of random characters from Sylanders. I'm glad Infinity is the one I went with! :) My opinion...
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Re: Skylanders Superchargers

Postby Infinite Mickey » Thu Jun 04, 2015 12:24 pm

Vehicles. That's all they could think of.

I ended up getting Giants and The original game. Then I quit because I just couldn't keep track of how many there were! THEY RELEASE SO MANY!! It gets impossible to track! Swap Force did look interesting, though trap team didn't. Also, why are they still making for the Wii!?
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Re: Skylanders Superchargers

Postby wherestron » Thu Jun 04, 2015 12:37 pm

Yeah. Vehicles. Way to go Activision. Very original.

That said, I think they are targeting a much younger core audience, whereas Infinity is maturing to a platform with much broader appeal.
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Re: Skylanders Superchargers

Postby Romulus77 » Thu Jun 04, 2015 1:00 pm

@Infinite Mickey

They are still making it for Wii because that has been their best selling platform. It will be interesting how this one goes since it's not the same game but a "complimentary" experience.

I'm glad Infinity didn't try to keep putting out a gimped version just to rake in those dollars.
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