DI 2.0/1.0 Skill Tree Discussions | Endgame Builds

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Re: DI 2.0/1.0 Skill Tree Discussions | Endgame Builds

Postby PolishTamales » Thu Feb 05, 2015 6:04 am

And apparently the Febuary's patch nerfed Tinkerbell's Fairy Dash Special.

There goes another 2.0 Disney character with a near useless Special...
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Re: DI 2.0/1.0 Skill Tree Discussions | Endgame Builds

Postby braiko » Thu Feb 05, 2015 6:57 am

So no more invisibility I hear? The XBO version hasn't been patched yet.

I was wondering about your general thoughts on going after the extra 'melee combo' skills on the tree (i.e. adding the extra attack at the end of the combo chain) or the block breakers. I tend to go after these (particularly the block-breakers) for two reasons (playstyle and aesthetic).

Firstly the block-breakers add variety to the playstyle rather than mash-mash-mash (similar to what you mentioned about the repel above). Not sure about their damage compared with the stock standard combos. The 'extra move at end-of-combo' skills keep up the mashing, but at least I assume it ramps up in damage if you land that last hit?

Secondly they add new animations which often look quite nifty - I guess this is less of a concern with your character analyses. However, if there's a toss-up between different skill choices between one of these combo moves and a +damage skill, I would tend to pick the combo one for the reasons mentioned.
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Re: DI 2.0/1.0 Skill Tree Discussions | Endgame Builds

Postby PolishTamales » Thu Feb 05, 2015 7:46 am

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Re: DI 2.0/1.0 Skill Tree Discussions | Endgame Builds

Postby braiko » Thu Feb 05, 2015 9:41 am

I'm glad to see that Ninja theory have added some surprising (compared to 1.0 at least) depth to the combat. I will have to get to practicing the 1 hit into finisher moves. And that info about which characters do more DPS with guard breaker combos rather than standard combos was exactly what I was interested in.

I think my number one request for 3.0 is adding specials and finishers to the 1.0 characters. It's such a feel-bad when your 1.0 character picks up purple sparks but has no purple bar.
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Re: DI 2.0/1.0 Skill Tree Discussions | Endgame Builds

Postby PolishTamales » Thu Feb 05, 2015 4:35 pm

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Re: DI 2.0/1.0 Skill Tree Discussions | Endgame Builds

Postby braiko » Fri Feb 06, 2015 3:05 am

Nice ideas - I can definitely get behind trying to differentiate similar characters so they don't play identically, particularly when one of them has drawbacks that lends itself to the different playstyle.

Of the 2.0 characters, the only one I've capped the power disc cooldowns for so far is Nick Fury. I feel he's never going to be the best at DPS and as the leader of SHIELD he should have minions/air-strikes as often as possible. This in combination with his ulti makes him a bit of a 'pets' character.

Also for those still playing at home, the recommended CHROME Damage + Defense disc combo (above) for the ranged burst attackers also gives you bonus exp sparks if you're still levelling. The Rapunzel and Violet combo for tanks also gives bonus damage.


And while we're on the topic of choosing power discs for characters, I've been searching around and have NOT been able to find a definitive list of what the red discs actually do, specifically. Sure on the generic lists it says Bolt's Super Strength - 10% more damage but that is not exactly true is it? In practice I've interpreted it as meaning "10% chance to deal bonus damage on hit" though how much this bonus damage is there is no mention. And also, this disc appears to affect both the melee combos and the ranged attacks though not explicit stating as such. Others specify melee/ranged(weapon) damage only, such as Zurg's Wrath - Increase melee damage by 15% . So again, presumably , 15% chance to proc bonus damage, but is the bonus added the same as for Bolt? Then there's other discs, Fix-It Felix's Repair Power which claims to add 20% health but I believe it was one of the ones that does a proc chance to heal? Not to mention the new Marvel discs that not only give a costume change but also give a buff similar to the 1.0 round discs. I wonder if you've included many power discs in your tests and have any light to shed on the subject? It's odd in a game this popular that this information hasn't been formally established yet after well over a year.
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Re: DI 2.0/1.0 Skill Tree Discussions | Endgame Builds

Postby PolishTamales » Sat Feb 07, 2015 6:43 pm

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Re: DI 2.0/1.0 Skill Tree Discussions | Endgame Builds

Postby braiko » Sun Feb 08, 2015 5:38 am

Good, the above is pretty much as suspected. Given that the Zurg disc states +15% on all the sites, I had hypothesised that the specific melee or range bonus discs were 15% crit chances and the ones that affected all (both melee AND ranged) damage were 10%. I might do a few tests of my own late next week to help with determining for sure which discs affect ALL damage, and subsequently use the melee/range specific ones to test characters' super moves as you have been (I'll start with some characters you haven't tested yet).
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Re: DI 2.0/1.0 Skill Tree Discussions | Endgame Builds

Postby PolishTamales » Sun Feb 08, 2015 6:01 am

I feel that the Zurg Disc might actually be:

- Tool Weapon Critical Hit Bonus 15%

It would be strange to release 2 separate melee critical hit bonuses (10%) from the 1.0, and then have a higher tier one (15%). I'll try and confirm if critical are the values provided, but I highly doubt it. I'll just run a test PvP to confirm the actual damage multipliers.
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