Saving for Infinity

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Saving for Infinity

Postby thedisneyfanatic22 » Sat Jul 27, 2013 4:38 pm

Fr those of you who are my age, or maybe even older too, I'm sure you had to wok a lot, or do extra chores to pay off Disney Infinity. I'd like to know how you guys saved for Infinity. I'll start: Luckily for me, I was saving up for a rainy day when I heard about Infinity. So, I already had a lot of money saved up. Then, my birthday came along and I got more money for Infinity. To be safe, I've done some chores around my house, but really, for me, it was pure luck that I had money saved.
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Re: Saving for Infinity

Postby Dr. Turtle » Sat Jul 27, 2013 4:40 pm

I've been saving birthday money.
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Re: Saving for Infinity

Postby Michjeff » Sat Jul 27, 2013 5:13 pm

Traded in Mario u for a chunk of it
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Re: Saving for Infinity

Postby Fireeye200 » Sat Jul 27, 2013 7:26 pm

Traded in a bunch of games and my 3DS. I also had to sort out a bunch of receipts from 2002 and above, for 5 dollars an hour, so my brother and I each have to make 57 bucks to get the playset and characters we want, then afterward we'll save up for a few power disc packs.
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Re: Saving for Infinity

Postby EmperorINFINITY » Sat Jul 27, 2013 9:16 pm

I Steal from a Bank... no, it's a joke :P i have saved from my birthday, from the Winter vacations (In argentina, now are Winter Recess) and my parents will give to me the rest of the money in Children's Day (Argentina: August 18th)

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Re: Saving for Infinity

Postby FROZOFAN » Sun Jul 28, 2013 12:24 am

I thought I would add an "adult" perspective on this topic because I think it's a clever forum and so you guys don't think that just because we adults have jobs means we have no worries about getting figures. ;) I work almost full time and I still go to college (summer break right now) but between bills for things such as my car payment, car insurance, phone, credit cards, food, gas and a few other things, I have to be careful with my money and save some for potential disasters. With that being said, I will be getting the starter pack and MAYBE the LR play set if I can convince my gf not to kill me :x and that will be pretty much it for awhile. Aside from you guys saving your money (I think it's awesome you guys are taking initiative and working for your toys) I think once you are able to buy them yourselves, you will appreciate them more. Another thing you need to appreciate, your time as just being a kid! Like mentioned, I work almost full time and go to school, between those obligations and spending time with friends and my girlfriend, I have only a few hours a week to really play any games at all. I would have killed to have anything like this game when I was younger because I could have really put some hours into it! Please guys, enjoy your time, I know school isn't always fun and homework is just awful, but believe it or not, one day you are actually going to miss it and the freedoms it has. Great post guys, keep up the good work and soon you'll have the money to get any figure you want. :D
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Re: Saving for Infinity

Postby KyletheCartoonist » Sun Jul 28, 2013 4:33 am

I'm applying for a job after we finish moving, I really want to work at a local Inn that is hiring and I figure there will be enough pay for Infinity.
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Re: Saving for Infinity

Postby DisneyMania » Sun Jul 28, 2013 9:35 am

I have been saving up money from xmas and my birthday in December and I have also got a paper round which is just under £10 a week, so thats how I am paying for infinity :)
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Re: Saving for Infinity

Postby Sully101 » Mon Jul 29, 2013 10:22 am

I am almost 13 so I had to do chores and some from christmas
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