Jump The Shark/Going Downhill

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Jump The Shark/Going Downhill

Postby Nibelilt » Mon Jul 22, 2013 10:07 am

Ugh, there are so many TV shows I used to watch, that just aren't good any more. I felt like making a topic about this, so maybe we can all chat about shows that we used to enjoy, that we just think are bad now. Please don't just say "X show sucked", or "X show was never good", this topic is about shows that USED to be good and are now bad. OR, shows that you find are still pretty good, but you think are generally getting worse. This is not a hate topic, it's just to share our opinions on TV series.
Also, I realise that not all of these shows had a "Jump The Shark" moment, it's just easier to put that as the title.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: I think that the show is going downhill, as of A Canterlot Wedding. A Canterlot Wedding is the most overrated episode in the entire series, in my opinion- the writing was merely average, the pacing was off, and the villain, while having a catchy song, was DUMB and boring to watch.
Spoiler: show
Also, there was a horrible Mary Sue moment at the end of the episode. Chrysalis could easily come back right afterwards anyway since all that happened to her was getting blown away, she doesn't seem to have been imprisoned, destroyed, hurt, or anything like that.
This episode also sort of paved the way for Season 3's writing style, and Season 3 was a horrible disappointment(besides WA, KCaFO, and MMC), with boring plots, a lack of new interesting characters, and probably the worst episode in the whole series, Spike at Your Service, along with many meh or bad episodes and few interesting ones. The franchise is turning into more of a cash grab with less creativity(*cough*Equestria Girls, and yes I've watched it and thought it was mediocre). My hopes are low for Season 4.

Two and A Half Men: It was already starting to rot and this show finally jumped the shark after they replaced Charlie Sheen. 'Nuff said.

The Big Bang Theory: This show was fantastic and fresh until Season 4. In seasons 1, 2, and 3, characters not only had more depth, but the jokes were funnier. The show is now about the romance between the guys and their girlfriends with occasional poking-at-Raj thrown in. Sheldon has been Flanderized horribly(remember when he gave Penny a hug? They wouldn't make an episode like that today). The scenes with the three girls chatting together are boring and unnessicary. It used to be about four scientists, cracking science jokes, which made it uniquely nerdy. But now it barely has that kind of thing any more, and is a generic sitcom made to appeal to the masses. I only put it on as background noise now. There is rarely a good episode, it's only just watchable.

Spongebob Squarepants: Got slightly worse during Season 3, awesome again during The Movie, then turned bad after it was un-cancelled. I just did a marathon of seasons 1-3 and the movie. I tried watching Season 4, but I just couldn't get past Good Neighbours. There are occasionally REALLY great episodes, and most of them are watchable(errrrghhhh... The Splinter...), but the characters are now overly insensitive and stupid. It was part of what made the first three seasons great, but it shouldn't be the basis of the series.

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Re: Jump The Shark

Postby KyletheCartoonist » Mon Jul 22, 2013 7:32 pm

I agree, these shows aren't as great as they once were. (Not mentioning MLP, I don't watch that.)
I actually stopped watching Men once they killed off Charlie. I then found out about The Big Bang Theory and thought that was a great show.
But I definitely agree. Big Bang is losing it's touch. They lost it once they had Amy start hitting on Penny.
And don't even get me started on SpongeBob. That show stopped being great since Fear of a Krabby Patty, which is saying a lot, since I was the biggest SpongeBob fan from pre-school to halfway through the fifth grade.

Anyway, here are the shows I think are jumping the shark.

Family Guy. Seriously, it used to be a great show until it went HD. Then the jokes became so foul that even I couldn't stand them. Not cool, Seth.

American Dad! This was by far the best MacFarlane show until the seventh season. As soon as the episode Hot Water aired, it became a new low. Luckily, the rest of the seventh season was good, but then the eighth season messed it up again.

Fairly Odd Parents Poof. 'Nuff said.

Also, I think you should rename the topic to Jump The Shark/Going Downhill. Seems better, right?
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Re: Jump The Shark/Going Downhill

Postby Nibelilt » Wed Jul 24, 2013 12:25 am

Hmm, I don't think that Poof made FOP go downhill. If anything, he made the show more interesting, the eps featuring him are easily the best from the new ones. I don't follow FOP much at all, so I can't say when it went downhill, very accurately. I think we can agree it went down by the time of the live-action movie, though(all the episodes I've seen which had Sparky in them were also pretty forgettable).

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Re: Jump The Shark/Going Downhill

Postby KyletheCartoonist » Wed Jul 24, 2013 1:06 am

I also don't follow FOP, but after Poof, the show went downhill just like that. I never saw the live-action movie, and I don't know who Sparky is.
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Re: Jump The Shark/Going Downhill

Postby killa-bunnah » Fri Jul 26, 2013 1:02 pm

Completely agree with The Big Bang theory and Two and a Half Men...Aston Cutcher is awful
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Re: Jump The Shark/Going Downhill

Postby KyletheCartoonist » Fri Jul 26, 2013 8:41 pm

^It's not that Ashton Kutcher/Walden Schmidt is bad, he just doesn't have the same "lovable rascal" charm as Charlie Sheen/Charlie Harper.
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Re: Jump The Shark/Going Downhill

Postby Nibelilt » Sat Jul 27, 2013 1:58 pm

^ I have to disagree with you on that. I think that he is very poor at acting the character they designed for him in TaAHM. Then again, I haven't watched him in another role, so take a pinch of salt.

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Re: Jump The Shark/Going Downhill

Postby KyletheCartoonist » Sun Jul 28, 2013 4:15 am

^I've only ever seen him act in Open Season other than Men, and he did a great job as Elliot.
But I respect your opinion, and haven't seen very many episodes with Walden, except for the first one where he pretended to not be rich.
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Re: Jump The Shark/Going Downhill

Postby buckmana » Sun Jul 28, 2013 11:27 pm

Ben 10 (first series).
For me, it was when they decided that Gwen should start using magic powers.
My first issue with that is she's always been the action girl, no special powers, just the ability to kick and punch hard.
I like the line she delivers when it's revealed she's got a brown belt (after knocking out a large mutant parakeet with an improvised bo staff):
"What? Did you think Ben was the only one with skills?"
I liked the idea that with no special powers, she was able to hold her own against whatever enemies they were facing.
The second issue is that Gwen is a genius, although in what fields, it was never specified.
But generally, geniuses aren't much into things that defy the rules of logic, like magic.
It seems all that went away when they started making her into magic girl.

Jake Long: American Dragon
Second season.
From my perspective, it's like they threw all the rules out of the window and completely rewrote the series to make it different.
Too much changed and it was no longer the same show.
I'm particularly insulted by the fact that Haley's favorite color was changed from purple to pink.
Why do little girls always have to like pink?

There is a live action show I'm thinking of, possibly a sci-fi one, but I can't think of what it was.
I guess I haven't watched it in so long, I can't bring it to mind.
But they did a 90 degree turn and went off in a completely different direction, which meant the show was no longer the same.
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