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Re: Alice and Mad hatter confirmed by Disney Infinity France

PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 8:54 pm
by TheANvil
Eh, conflicted. I really don't want to buy these but at the same time I feel it would be silly to buy everything except these.

I hope at least they'll release a good Alice (and hell, give us a good Mad Hatter) to wash the foul stench of poop out of my collection.

Re: Alice and Mad hatter confirmed by Disney Infinity France

PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 3:32 am
by No.1 Pooh Bear Fan
Wow, if that's any indication of how Time is going to be as a playable character, he looks like a really powerful character that I need to get.

I kinda suspected that they were going to use the Burton versions of the characters, but I'm not really complaining. I would have been happy either way. (And I'm especially happy that it's this version of the Mad Hatter. In all honesty I wound have rather had him than the 1951 version of the Hatter.)

Re: Alice and Mad hatter confirmed by Disney Infinity France

PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 4:18 am
by The Disney Dork
These and Spot are easily the worst 3.0 figures for me so far.

Re: Alice and Mad hatter confirmed by Disney Infinity France

PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 5:16 am
by OpossumGuy
Can't say I didn't expect the live action versions, but I'm still pretty disappointed that we'll likely never get the animated versions of Alice and Mad Hatter.

Time looks pretty neat though.

Re: Alice and Mad hatter confirmed by Disney Infinity France

PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 5:22 am
by Cats and Spiders
Like most others here, I would've preferred classic versions, but I actually really like what I've seen of Alice. She looks super cute~

Re: Alice and Mad hatter confirmed by Disney Infinity France

PostPosted: Sat Mar 12, 2016 12:41 am
by Spider-Man
The classics would be preferable but then Time wouldnt make since to be a figure because he wouldn't go with the others because he is not in the classic film. I actually am with No. 1 Pooh Bear Fan in the opinion that I would like Burton's Hatter over the classic.

Re: Alice and Mad hatter confirmed by Disney Infinity France

PostPosted: Sat Mar 12, 2016 4:36 am
by JustNCredible
I know it's all opinion lol, but man for the life of me I can't grasp what everyone sees in the old Hatter. He's one of the most unattractive Disney animation characters ever created imo and didn't even have a significant role in the original movie. Cheshire Cat, Queen of Hearts, Dodo, the Walrus, the Carpenter and White Rabbit would all make sense before that minor character. I mean the March Hare or Bill would be just as reasonable, right?

Don't take my opinions too seriously lol, I'm not saying anyone is wrong for wishing it were the other way around, but the way I look at it, If we were getting animated versions the original Hatter would be far down on the list of reasonable characters from the original movie anyway, so don't feel like Depp's Hatter is making us miss out on the animated version, because that would probably not happen for a long time anyway (I think it's arguable that the larger role of Burton's Hatter in the film has a lot to do with the old Hatter's popularity today).

Re: Alice and Mad hatter confirmed by Disney Infinity France

PostPosted: Sat Mar 12, 2016 6:05 am
by Vidia
I believe a lot of the popularity of the classic Mad Hatter comes from his depiction at the Disney parks. I know I always enjoy meeting him!

Re: Alice and Mad hatter confirmed by Disney Infinity France

PostPosted: Sat Mar 12, 2016 6:39 am
by JustNCredible
Ahh I haven't been since I was 6 lol. And I'm kinda kidding about this; I'm not judging anyone who likes any Disney character. He's just always been kinda "Ewwy" to me, ever since I was a kid I actually hated that scene because of him. Didn't like the way he talked or looked at all. Although I completely understand that an equal argument could be made that Burton's Hatter is just bad, if not worse haha. Anyway I'm more so focusing on the fact that so far Alice looks pretty promising for not being the animated version; can't wait to see her animations and move-set! :D