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Re: Alice and Mad hatter confirmed by Disney Infinity France

PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 3:03 am
by Sheriff Woody

quick reminder before any of this reaches the personal level ... Play Nice!


Re: Alice and Mad hatter confirmed by Disney Infinity France

PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 3:09 am
by Romulus77
Nowhere did I say they couldn't be action figures.

I was merely pointing out that their status as a large toy money maker is because of dolls.

Respectfully, please don't put words in my mouth. Thank you.

Re: Alice and Mad hatter confirmed by Disney Infinity France

PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 3:19 am
by Vidia
Oh, sorry! I must have misunderstood you.

Sheriff is right though. This is getting dangerously close to becoming a personal debate, and one that's only tangentially related to the thread at hand, so I'm going to try and veer us back on track.

Burton Alice. Boo!

Re: Alice and Mad hatter confirmed by Disney Infinity France

PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 3:30 am
by Elmo STM
Just glad to know of some more figures :) hopefully we get some announcements soon

Re: Alice and Mad hatter confirmed by Disney Infinity France

PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 7:21 am
by Infinite Mickey
I'm already getting out the clay for the inevitable classic Aloce and Hatter figures.

They aren't going to do Cartoon. This is a marketing push.

Also, if they had put a generic bear in Disney Infinity as Baloo, it would've made zero sense. The live action version looks nothing like the cartoon version. Having a generic bear figure would be... difficult to say the least.

Using the live action versions in this situation just makes so much more sense than Baloo unfortunately. They look like their cartoon counterparts, making them easier to market.

Re: Alice and Mad hatter confirmed by Disney Infinity France

PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 11:11 am
by Elmo STM
Disney infinity was always said to be a platform to promote new movies so we can't be annoyed when that's what they're doing. Baloo is a great addition and shows they listen to the fans about classics

Re: Alice and Mad hatter confirmed by Disney Infinity France

PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 1:53 pm
by Conscience1940
No classic Alice!?!?!

How many Johnny Depp characters do we need?!?! This is becoming Depp Infinity!

I would have loved to hear Ed Wyne's Mad Hatter style voice come into play!!!

I hope a Borat change disc does come in fruition, because this is "dumb"

** post edited, please choose your words more carefully so as to not unintentionally disrespect people with disabilities. Thank You **

Re: Alice and Mad hatter confirmed by Disney Infinity France

PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 2:27 pm
by ScoutShellby
I feel like I'm the only one that loves both versions, so either way I'll be both hyped and dissapointed.

Oh, and Winnie the Pooh probably wont happen. Unless they find a way to make him completely non-violent in every way, like in Kingdom Hearts were the Winnie the Pooh World is calm and friendly in an otherwise dark action game.

Re: Alice and Mad hatter confirmed by Disney Infinity France

PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 2:46 pm
by craigbarnes88
The only way Disney could ever make people happy would be to release Disney infinity 4. 40,000 characters edition.
This game has as many Disney, marvel and Star Wars characters you can think of!
This game also includes variants of the same character to appease live action vs animated debates!
The collection hub allows you to collect only one of each variant, so you only need the cap, Alice or Spider-Man you choose to purchase.
Also, this game probably won't be released until 3016, due to the amount of development time for that many characters.
People need to calm down, and appreciate 3.0 is attempt at the above. More characters are going to be developed and added over time as DLC but this will take time. And the game obviously has pressure of pushing current films to make money.
Baloo was a god send. We got lucky with a new jungle book, so we got a quick Classic in there.
Alice, maybe they could release one of each version, but financially this might not make sense to Disney. I'm not saying it couldn't be done though. But this might also confuse things with retailers, and you would also have complaints about two of the same character (captain America).
Disney is doing its best.
Any I can't believe I saw an argument about how many marvel and Star Wars characters have come out in a thread about three new Disney characters. That's the equivalent of Disney: "here are some more Disney characters" Fan: "BUT NOT ENOUGH".
2.0 was marvel edition, damn well it should have had a heavy focus of marvel.
3.0 was Star Wars, same point.
IF a 4.0 comes in a few years time, it will probably be Disney, to include a bunch of classics. But until then we have 3.0, probably whilst Avalanche figure out water mechanics and quadruped mechanics so they can include most Disney characters. Oh and a princess playset.
And that game will still have a Star Wars playset and marvel playset, and Disney characters matching the current films.
That's the way it's most likely going to happen, because Disney cannot just drop 4.0 40,000 characters edition just to make everyone happy immediately.
Patience is a virtue. And if you don't like, don't buy.