What Is The Disney Infinity Toy Box?

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What Is The Disney Infinity Toy Box?

Postby goofyspaceranger » Mon Dec 07, 2015 1:24 pm

In the wake of Super Mario Maker's "Best Family Game" award... and granted, it looks like a great game - for a single console, a single game genre, and a single camera angle on a 2-dimensional space, where a collection of physical toys allow you to switch out the character for a single-player game :roll:. There is an elegance to the simplicity of its interface, and the creative aspect really does have its benefits, but still.

On a regular basis I find myself explaining the differences between Infinity & Skylanders to parents, to educators, & to volunteers. So I checked back with the official website today, always with the imagined perspective that it is the first time I am going there.

Info > All four entries of this category are about to ways to purchase Infinity. Good pages, but they don't tell me what it is. They're great just the way they are, as they naturally lead into the next category...

Game Play > Good ordering of entries. Play Set info good detail & layout. Side-note: Toy Box Games shouldn't be listed in this category at all - way too confusing compared against Toy Box Expansion Games, esp. since they don't run on 3.0 & you'd be hard-pressed to find the discs anyway. But the Toy Box! "What Is The Disney Infinity Toy Box?" Four excellent trailer videos... for Summer of 2013! No Marvel Superheroes, no Star Wars characters, no showcasing of the new Creativi-Toys or Building Sets, etc. Where is the Infinity Wand action? How about showcasing the patent-winning 3D visual coding environment? How about showcasing the advances in 3D platformers, scavenger hunts, takeovers, racers, top-down mazes, angled dungeon crawlers, quests, etc?

Videos > It is disconcerting to have the warning message about leaving the official site - it's like saying that the official site has no videos at all, when they're just sprinkled across different pages within the site. It would be cool to just have this category as an alternative way to find the full list of the site videos, with an additional option to get to the offsite ones. Plus, it's more disconcerting that the unofficial jump is to Disney UK and a Playlist of 2.0 videos (or when you shift to the UK's full video list it's not just Infinity videos, so it's very confusing).

PC Game > this category is done really well. The rewards don't help form Toy Box Clubs, but I'll get over it ;). The Toy Box Unlock is a great pricing option - nit preference would be to call it the "Toy Box Starter Pack" to make it 100% clear that this is a startup option - love the organization of Play Sets, Characters, Power Discs, lists of popular items, etc.

Help > Would prefer to have a separate entry that formats all of the controls for the various consoles & other platforms, rather than search for them individually in FAQ, but no biggie either way. But the note to Parents! Cross-platform, multi-genre 3D visual programming environment that rivals, that arguably beats anything else out there, and there's this page, unchanged since 1.0 launch, that lists "Motor Skills" ahead of a little blurb on "Logic Toys" with an early rendering of a toy that has never existed in Disney Infinity.

Love the new Hub. Love the integration of the console game & the theatre with Toy Box TV. But many, many parents are going to look at the website first. What Is The Disney Infinity Toy Box? The web site needs to explain what the 3.0 Toy Box is. It's much better than the 1.0 version. Much better. How is the general public, let alone the critics, going to give it credit, if the official website doesn't? :shock:
Use the Force in Holocron Heuristics to program with more Creativi-Toys!
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