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How do you start a character over?

PostPosted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 10:41 am
by VMKInfiniteer
How do you start a character over. Currently in regards to DI2. Also, if I wanted, how do I keep a charater's progress from DI1?

Re: How do you start a character over?

PostPosted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 7:28 pm
by mr jenzie
Options > Game Options > Reset Figure.
This will also reset the character's skill tree

as for your second question, switching from 2.0 to 1.0 DOESN'T reset the figure (with JACK SPARROW), but not tried it the other way around

Re: How do you start a character over?

PostPosted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 7:58 pm
by VMKInfiniteer
But first time I played DI2, it reset my crystal Sully. I think there was an option, but it was confusing hence the reset.

Re: How do you start a character over?

PostPosted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 8:11 pm
by Melzinoff
Sometimes it is a bit glitched, i personally never had problems with it but it happens when you move a character to the next installment that it resets the figure.
But sparks machines exist for a reason so... :p

Re: How do you start a character over?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 4:34 am
by JCKane
Ok, let's see if I can answer your question.. well for starters I do know that the way DI works is it seems to store a system copy of your characters progress. Not sure why they did it this way, but here's what I know as I actually started with 2.0.

Di 1.0: For this game you have the two option, 'Take ownership' or Guest play. These are in the menu's and if you want to take ownership of the character you MUST reset the character. Regardless if you're coming from 1.0, 2.0, or 3.0.

DI 2.0: I'll admit it's been a bit since I did this one.. but (though I'll check it out after I'm done) but when you first put the figure onto the base, if another game owns it (unlike 1.0 as 1.0 automatically treats it as a guest) it'll ask you to share ownership or play as guest. Playing as guest simply uses the saved progress on the toy but not registered in your game. If you do 'share ownership' it will instead start the character over but only on this system.... thus if you go back and play it on the previous system.. it will still have the same level(one of the things I need to double check). This is because as stated earlier the system saves a 'system copy' of the progress for the figure.

DI 3.0: This one (unless I'm wrong about 2.0 which again I'l be checking right after this) does it differently. Instead of resetting the character when you choose 'share ownership' it will instead start the character at whatever progress it currently has. So if it's at level 20 and all skill point spent the character will be at that level. If your character's at level 10, it'll start at level 10 and what not.. however, any EXP/Skills gotten are game exclusive. Thus if you level up that level 10 on your PS 4 to level 20.. it'll still be a level 10 on your Wii U (example is from my 2 systems :P ). Thus it is recomended that IF you're planning on using 2 games. (or even trasnfering from 1.0/2.0 to 3.0) make sure you fully level up your character before you do so.... otherwise you'll have to regain any progress you made on either version.

With that being said... I am unsure how 'resetting' plays into factor. Since again it saves a local copy of the progress, I am unsure rather the other system (or version) will even register the manual reset or not. I will test these out too.

I am unsure rather I'll be able to test out (at the moment) if a character leveled up originally on 1.0, will keep it's progress if you reset it on 2.0. But i'll see what I can find out. :)

EDIT: ok so it seems I was wrong. about 2.0. 2.0 does it the same way 3.0 does when it comes to sharing ownerwhip.. FYI sharing ownership is how it gets registered to the system that you have it.

also, according to what it says, if you reset a figure, only the game you reset it on will it be reset, any other systems will have it still what it was.

1.0 is the only one thast will reset the character when you take ownership of it... however, it will ONLY do it for that system. Thus if you have it on 2.0/3.0 it will still be at that level on those games. I mentioned them instead of 1.0 because again I don't know :/ As I just now today took ownership of a DI 1 character because afraid it'd reset it on my other systems.. (tested it what a character I didn't care to much for :P ) So if I make some progress I'll check that out too (as I have 1.0 for both wii U and 360) Hope this helped. :)

Re: How do you start a character over?

PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 7:47 am
by BionicKoalaBoy
Thanks for the info everyone. I've been replaying LONE RANGER and other 1.0 playsets that I hadn't completed. But I couldn't work out whether my progress would be lost/carried over going back and forth between software versions, and have been rather afraid to experiment. I can go back with confidence now :) - It is odd going back to the older style of gameplay, with no skill tree and the different button positions.