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Re: Disney Infinity 3.0 at E3 2015: one topic for everything

PostPosted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 4:11 am
by Mistrauss
The Episodes IV-VI playset being released 1 month early exclusively for Playstation owners is not a good move, that sucks for the Wii U and Xbox One owners, having an exclusive figure is fine but they get access to more content from the start. Not surprised Boba got a figure, I hope that means the Twilight play set will get at least one more (maybe Dooku? I like him, he's a fencer like fighter but I seriously hope they add Mace Windu even though he has a power disc, Yondu got in too) They didn't say anything besides the extra playset and figure so maybe the base will be special like last time?

Re: Disney Infinity 3.0 at E3 2015: one topic for everything

PostPosted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 4:14 am
by Romulus77
No base in the breakdown on the Disney site. And the price $114.99 = Starter + Playset + Figure.

After last year, nobody should be surprised by another timed exclusive. Sony has shown great support for DI so they benefit.

Re: Disney Infinity 3.0 at E3 2015: one topic for everything

PostPosted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 4:22 am
by Mason_Ireton
The response of boba appearing is bein praised yet the Star Wars fans are freakin that boba is only gon'na work on play station but one comment made me chuckle

Random fan: Wow way to Disney. I know they own the name now but come on. Could have made the people look more realistic

But yes I had a feeling this boba character would appear in 3.0

Re: Disney Infinity 3.0 at E3 2015: one topic for everything

PostPosted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 4:46 am
by InfinityApprentice
I don't understand the fuss about timed exclusives. In the end, no matter what system you have, EVERYONE will have access to the figure/play set. It's not like black suit Spidey, who was only sold in the PS Vita starter pack. If you wanted black suit Spidery and you had anything but a PSV (which is pretty much everyone), you had to buy the starter pack and attempt to resell the parts you didn't need/want, or pay highway robbery prices on eBay for just the figure. I understand it's a bit disappointing at first, but again, EVERYONE will eventually be able to get Boba Fett. Sometimes I feel like people just want to get upset over something, and really, this is not worth the energy it takes to get upset over. Everybody take a deep breath and just relaaaaaax.... ;)

Re: Disney Infinity 3.0 at E3 2015: one topic for everything

PostPosted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 5:31 am
by Cellsai
And yeah, outside of existing DI fans, that reveal did not sell the game at all. Every gaming chatroom I was in during that part of the conference unanimously said, "Wow. Sony are wasting their conference time with Disney Infinity?"

Re: Disney Infinity 3.0 at E3 2015: one topic for everything

PostPosted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 6:12 am
by Infinityfan
Yay Boba Fetta confirmed! Not so pleased about all the times exclusive stuff again though. I'll probably pick up the CE for PS3 and sell the starter pack. Lol I don't wanna wait til 2016 for Boba!

Re: Disney Infinity 3.0 at E3 2015: one topic for everything

PostPosted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 6:36 am
by rogpalmeruk
Personally PS4 saga pack is great, i'll get it... can see how it is disappointing for xbox/wii u owners, but the rise playset is just a month away.. Boba will be out later... it does mean i won't have another big collectors piece sat in a box on the wardrobe this year! :-) The thing with the big E3 sony show is that it attracts a lot of hardcore gamers, who wouldn't be as interested in infinity, but JV kept saying its for kids and family, so its a different audience to Battlefront, Last Guardian, Hitman etc.

Re: Disney Infinity 3.0 at E3 2015: one topic for everything

PostPosted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 6:40 am
by Infinityfan
Soooo... Will this be their only announcement this year for E3? Last year there was the Collectors Edition then Spider-Man Playset. I'm guessing more figures maybe Playset tomorrow! :)

Anywhere you can pre order the Collectors Edition in the UK yet?

Re: Disney Infinity 3.0 at E3 2015: one topic for everything

PostPosted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 6:52 am
by FlameChampion267
I'll admit Boba looks cool. I couldn't afford a collectors edition, and don't play on PS anyways (Sony has hurt me too many times) so the timed exclusive is fine by me. Hoping to hear Alice in the next few days, truly the only expected thing E3 could throw at me, though I have been surprised by some unexpected(s).