Context Button Assigner

reference guides detailing the actions, parameters and properties of Disney Infinity creativi-toys
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Context Button Assigner

Postby semerien » Fri Aug 28, 2015 5:00 pm

Context Button Assigner

Description – This tool allows you to create your own interactive prompt on townspeople or players themselves. You can name this prompt and then trigger events when the prompt is activated. Great for creating interactive quests with townspeople or other objects.

New Actor Connection – Use this option to attach townspeople to this toy.


Use Definited Duration (Off/On) – This prompt can be set to a timed duration. Turn this option on to use the assigned delay.
Display Duration (1-10) – This will set how long the prompt will remain active if Use Definited Duration is set to on.
Show Button Prompt (Off/On) – This will set whether the prompt is visible to the player or not.
Button Prompt Text (Text) – Here you can enter the text that you would like displayed alongside the prompt.
Button Prompt Location (Player, Connected Actor) – This property allows you to assign who the prompt will appear above.
Deactive Prompt When Pressed (Off/On) – When this option is set to on, the prompt will turn off after activated. If set to off the prompt will remain up even after activation.


Activate – Send a signal when this tool is activated.
Deactivate – Send a signal when this tool is deactivated.
Pressed (Player ( Triggering Player, Player (1,2,3,4)) – Sends a signal when selected player activates this prompt.


Activate – Activate this tool. Note that this tool will not activate by default and MUST be sent this signal.
Deactivate – Deactivate this tool.


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