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PostPosted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 7:44 pm
by jkhouw1

Description - the Confirmer is a stripped down Text Creator of type Proposal. When triggered, it will display text asking the user "Are you sure?" giving them the option to Continue or Cancel. Logic can then be connected to their choice. The exact same functionality can be accomplished with a Text Creator with the type set to Proposal but the Text Creator has the advantage of being able to present custom text.

Activate for all players - Values On or Off. When On, any player can confirm the action, when Off, only the triggering player can confirm the action

Proposal Displayed - Displays the confirmation text prompt

Any Text Displayed - Event fires when the proposal is displayed
Text Proposal Accepted - Event fires if the player chooses Continue
Text Proposal Canceled - Event fires if the player chooses Cancel

Have the player press a button to optionally set off fireworks

Place a Confirmer, Button, and Party Cannon

Button:Pressed => Confirmer:Proposal Displayed
Confirmer:Text Proposal Accepted => Party Cannon:Fireworks