Monsters and Fear Tech Pennants Need one more

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Monsters and Fear Tech Pennants Need one more

Postby infun » Sun Sep 22, 2013 3:43 pm

I have 19 of 20 Pennants in both MU and Fear Tech. I have looked multiple times everywhere and cant locate the last one. Wondering of anyone found any of these in a very unlikely place or really well hidden. I'm trying to remember if there were any pennants in Frat House? Could the last one be there.
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Re: Monsters and Fear Tech Pennants Need one more

Postby IDreamOfDisney » Sun Sep 22, 2013 5:29 pm

Yea. I need one more from MU also.
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Re: Monsters and Fear Tech Pennants Need one more

Postby infun » Mon Sep 23, 2013 2:20 am

I don't know if this will help you. I posted earlier today I needed one more pennant in both MU and Fear Tech. Well, I found them both after searching... for a long time. The MU one was the most hidden. I don't know if its the one you need but here goes ....where it is. If you go the front and face the entrance to the School of Scream, walk around the left side of the building to the back of the building. In the middle of the back of the building there looks like an entrance about in the middle of the back of the building. Above that entrance there is a half moon opening at the second level up that is pretty much hidden by a three. The penant is in recessed in there. You can get to the ledge where it is from the roof of the building and going down to the ledge. I'm curious if I'm the only one who had a hard time locating this Pennant. The Fear Tech Pennant I could not find was sort of hidden at ground level sort of behind or next to a the purple bat bush in a deep recess of a building between two walls. That was not terribly easy to find either. Made my day finding these. I like the toys you can purchase for completing the pennants.
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