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DI 2.0/1.0 Skill Tree Discussions | Endgame Builds

PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 12:43 am
by PolishTamales

Re: Big Annoyance with Youtube Skill Tree Reviews

PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 2:13 am
by braiko
Nice info. Not having had the time to test this out myself, I have learned one or two things from above. I have been playing on hard as default since I started 2.0 but I guess I'll continue on expert for now.

Certainly there are some characters who's special seem a lot more worthwhile than others. In the playset I felt that Cap America's was decent so he's one of the few I've maxed the special on so far. I have not reset any skill trees as yet so I'm always open to some tweaking here and there. In saying that I have a lot more characters to get to level 20 as well. And given the large amount of characters, I'm also somewhat open to having characters that are not absolutely 100% optimised, if it means they play uniquely compared to others (i.e. Nick Fury's body double come to mind as a fun alternative hit and run play style).

Looking forward to hearing more details character-by-character. And I would be happy to add my two cents where I can.

Re: Big Annoyance with Youtube Skill Tree Reviews

PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 2:43 am
by PolishTamales

Re: Big Annoyance with Youtube Skill Tree Reviews

PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 2:54 am
by braiko
Agreed with mobility (and super jumps) for Cap, as the supreme athlete it makes sense for him and seems to translate to being effective in game. I have also put points into both melee and range without capping either. At this stage it sounds like we have similar builds though mine has more points in super and yours has more in health.

I guess a point for others might be, don't feel like you have to ignore a whole branch of the tree entirely (eg melee combo) to focus on range or vice versa. I feel that the 1 (and often also the 2) point upgrades (in all directions) are so efficient it would be worth it in most cases.

I just wish the street spike wasn't a necessary progression point on the tree for most characters, although it is only 1 point.

EDIT: Also, perhaps yoou could rename this thread In-Depth Skill/Skill Tree Discussion (unless you plan to start a new thread for the individual characters, in which case maybe use it there).

Re: Big Annoyance with Youtube Skill Tree Reviews

PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 3:08 am
by PolishTamales

Re: DI 2.0/1.0 Skill Tree Discussions | Endgame Builds

PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 3:44 am
by Bad Gamer
I love reading these as I'm a casual gamer who really enjoys playing when I can. You've gone more in depth than I have taken the time to. Well done.

Re: DI 2.0/1.0 Skill Tree Discussions | Endgame Builds

PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 3:50 am
by braiko
Good to know about Tink and Maleficent, as those last two are probably my two lowest-levelled 2.0 characters thus far and need to be given more time very soon.

I guess you should copy/link your Jasmine review from the other thread into here at some point to kick off the individual characters.

Re: DI 2.0/1.0 Skill Tree Discussions | Endgame Builds

PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 3:57 am
by PolishTamales
Actually I plan to provide complete Skill Tree build graphics and character illustrations (by myself) for my character reviews. I'll only review characters that I own or have played at least a span of a weekend to give a proper evaluation.

I got Jasmine's build down and I'm happy with how she turned out. It's too bad her Super Jump is over-costed compared to other characters. Especially Captain America's final upgrade, which was a no-brainer.

@Bad Gamer: Great, you have no idea how awkward it is for me to ask other players about their gaming experience outside of DI.

Re: DI 2.0/1.0 Skill Tree Discussions | Endgame Builds

PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 5:54 am
by braiko
I'm very much casual but I certainly don't mind min-maxing for a game I put a lot of time into. Games where I have gone into more depth include things like Diablo, Pokemon and, perhaps a bit more relevant to the 'action' discussion above, Tekken (though I am by no means good/competitive).

And so far I have found that we haven't had much in-depth DI conversation about skills/trees... until now.